Friday, July 4, 2008

The Snailiens are coming, the Snailiens are coming!

Ohmygoodness, you guys!! Stay in your houses, lock your windows, and watch your pets for suspicious activites; the snailiens are coming!! Ohmygoodness...ok, so this is what happened: In Chicago, we were watching fireworks go off for like a pre-fourth celebration or something. My friend, *trying to remember code name* Selena Clous and I looked up, and through the fireworks we saw the blinking light of a space craft. We were like, "Hey, that's shaped kind of funny for an airplane..." so we took out our cameras to see if we could zoom, AND THEY STOPPED WORKING! They got low on battery! But then, once the ship shrank from sight, THEY WERE FULL BATTERY!!!! AHHHH! Creepy, huh? The snailiens don't want any proof of their existance....that's why I'm writing this down...if I die tomorrow and no one ever reads's because I knew too much.

So, once the fire works were over, we started brainstorming {and having a great time while we were at it, too} and we came up with a whole species of aliens called "snailiens" that need our planet for a stone to play hopscotch. They look kind of like snake-snail-aliens {I'll post a pic once I get home, but for now I'll try my hand at paint...} and their shells can open up and engulfe their victims, which consist of pets that they steal the bodies of afterward. But it doesn't stop there! After they're stolen a body, they need human blood to retain its form!! *slightly disturbed look* The only hope we have of stopping their brussel-sprout cannon and anti-battery space ship attack is HOSPITAL GOWNS {no one likes those, anyway}. Join with me in the rally of these hated pieces of clothes, to destroy the snailiens from taking over on our freedom day!!!!

Hopefully I won't wake up tomorrow with anmesia and no proof that this actually happened...

~ Captain Bonnie Spinner

PS....don't go around asking for hospital gowns....please....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A rand moment with Bonnie Spinner's multiple personalities...?

*feeling inspired from Will's email*

Happy Bonnie {side A}: Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at the carpet! Heeheehehe, it's red!!

Moody Bonnie {evil B}: Hush up; I'm blogging.

Tired Bonnie {z}: *glancing at room with half-closed lids* Do you think...all chihuahuas have satellites?

A: Weee! Then they could watch the radio free of charge! That would be so cool! That way they would have more money to waste on shoes and other trivial items!

EB: Keep it down! Oy, who gave A the chocolate? I will personally strangle the person who gave A chocolate!

Z: I think it was the monkey, in the banana, with the library...

*A comes up to Z and pokes her with a wide smile on her face, giggling uncontrollabley. Seeing as she stays asleep, she goes to annoy EB*

EB: Stop that! I told y'all to keep it down! Don't MAKE me come OVER there!

*A giggles more and pokes her with increased vigor*

*Screen goes black; sounds of a fight going on*

EB: Sorry about that...problem solved. *A scwirms in her duct taped bonds, scooting in the chair she is now stapped to, a gag in her mouth*

*A fourth Bonnie emerges from the closet of dreams, hands bound with a red bandana, crawling past EB and blogging into the computer upstairs:* Day 3 in the recesses of Bonnie's mind. If I don't get some decent food for thought soon, I'm going to starve. I'm quite ravenous but on the other hand, Z IS asleep and unaware of my recent escape....*hungry Bonnie looks around for Z, sleeping in a couch* Aha! The morsel is unaware of my plot...I wonder if she's sweet. *inconspicuously sneaking around the couch, not being seen by moody Bonnie, venting her rage about siblings and multiple personalities on her blog* I am now stooping down to the level of insects and some island natives. Cannibalism. *Hungry bites Z and immediately spits* Ew! She's bitter!

*EB turns around, angrily* I thought I locked you in a closet, Inner Monologue! *hungry ducks and scrambles for the door, but EM blocks it with a dark expression* You will wish you had stayed there...*EB drags IM down to the section of the brain that you get songs stuck in*

"NOOO!" screamed IM, realizing what's going to happen and scrambling to be released, however Moody's grip is like iron. "Noooo!" she screamed again, hoping to be heard by Z, who can sleep through a thunderstorm AND a fire alarm. EB gags her and locks her in the room then stalks back to the computer. IM crumples into the corner, with the chorus of "It's a Small World" echoing in her head, blaring in her ears.

*Bonnie wakes up from her dream, blinking and trying to think for once. All her multiple personalities get run over by her train of thought, not to be seen until night arises once more...she groggily gets up and checks her blog, staring in unbelief at the screen* What the heck?!



So maybe I owe y'all a bit more than some random pics...

Well, last week we went to Minnesota and stayed at this lodge place with a lake and everything. I finished a book {NOT my summer reading one} that was recommended to me by my friend. It's not quite the genre I am used to but it's still pretty good. else did we do...? Oh! Food!

ok, so they provide breakfast and dinner if you get the package or whatever, right? So it's included. So every day you can pick what to eat. You get bread to start off with, then you choose an appetizer, an entree, and a desset, and they bring one of those palet-cleansing-you-don't-fool-me-it's-an-icee-no-matter-how-French-you-make-it-sound thingies that are like shave ice. But the food is like....gourmet! You can get filet minon, shrimp scamy, rib eye, stuffed chicken, porkchops, duck *wince*, salad, hummis, satays, walleyed cake {whatever that is}, and don't even get me started on dessert! I mean, their chocolate cake is like....mmmm....ah.....ooh....

And breakfast is good too. Arg...I should probably be trying to burn that all off now. *sigh* Where's a treadmill? Then we visited some family friends. *grins* That was REALLY fun. Some of the men there had little magic tricks, and it was funny because the people they tried to get to do the trick with them knew how the trick worked, so they would mess them up. Hm...Render, I think I might know how you do one of your card tricks! {key word being "think"}.

Now we're in Chicago, visiting my aunt. The one with all the books. Weeeeee...should be fun. And! Advise: When in a double-doored elevator {door on both sides}, do NOT lean against the back of the elevator!! BAD IDEA!

~ Captain Bonnie

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Some stuffs

Here's some stuffs for y'all.

The view of the water of the lake we were staying at in Minnesota...

Ducks or something...


Ok, yeah, I went for a walk and went crazy with the camera. I have like 3 shots of looking up at the trees from the ground, but oh well. It was good weather, I was listening to my ipod, and I was bored. So yeah. That's far...

~ Captain Bonnie Spinner