Friday, February 13, 2009

New Post

I figured it was time for a new post.
But, I'd rather hear about you and I'm sure you'd rather tell me about you than listen to me blab on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on until you're asleep, drooling on the keyboard, and electricuting your skull. Here are my questions to you, dear reader, for anyone who is reading this must be pretty dedicated, and for that, I value you. But that's not the only reason I value you! Unless, of course, I've never met which case, this will be quite interesting. i making sense to anyone other than myself, here?

Ok, firstly, I know I'm a nosy person, so these questions might be kind don't feel inclined to answer a question you don't want to; just skip over it. Or, if you're like me, just don't leave a comment at all. :p But, without further adeu {did I spell that right?}, here are my questions to you: {I rhymed!!}

1. Have you ever counted something right before you've fallen asleep, and did it help you to fall asleep?

2. What is the strangest/most realistic/scariest dream you've ever had?

3. What do you find yourself thinking about most at night/what is the one thing you find yourself most often thinking about when you have nothing to do?

4. What's your favorite brand of cereal?

5. Given the choices, which would you choose: a leisure trip to Paris, or a mission trip to Mexico?

6. What's the highest elevation you've ever been, where were you, and how did you feel?

7. What do you incorporate with the color red?

8. What would you do if you were the only person left in the world?

9. Has a book ever made you cry? What book was it?

10. How would you describe yourself in five words, three colors, two objects, and one fish?

11. Did you know that it's gramatically impossible to describe yourself with a fish because it's not an adjective?

~ Captain Bonnie Spinner