Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Well I think I need a new post, but I don't have anything to say, really. In conclusion, I'm going to ramble and see how long it takes before my audience of one falls asleep. Maybe I'll even add some pictures, for visual interest.
I guess I'm kind of tired today. And sore. Volleyball camp started Moday {yes, I meant Moday}. It's not an official camp. It's just my school peeps who rent this grody, smelly old gym and go there for three hours each day for a week. The gym wasn't bad this year. {It's the same gym as always, but cleaner (as in the crusty couches, old chairs, furniture that no one else wanted, stage, and buckets of cockroaches were completely gone) and they have AC now! Woop Woop!} Hm...*going to find picture of volleyball* {Did anyone else notice the ( ) inside the { } ? }

And um...that's really fun. Also, I spent Moday and Tueday with Marial and spent the if you emailed me or something and I didn't respond, that's why. Oh! Chair!! SHE HAS A SNAKE NAMED TODD! I LOVE TODD!!! I should make that a fact...

There. Isn't that cool? Ok. Mo {moving on}. *making popping sound* I get really bored, I either say nothing and get really lazy...or if no one talks to me, I get like...serious...and think about stuff {I don't think normally...} ORRR sometimes, if I've had some sugar or something, I blurt out random phrases. I'm not really sure what kind of mood I'm in now...I'm tired and sore...I want another volleyball massage. Those are fun and feel really good. We do that at the end of practice.

I wonder what it would sound like if a sleeptalker was sore. ... "Ouch! *snore* Ouch! *snore* OH, MY LEGS! *yawn*" Ok...well...that's what you get for wanting a new post when I have nothing to say. Complete randomings. I think I've perfected the art of randoming. Maybe it's a mental condition. I've trained my brain to jump from subject to subject. Which is sometimes good, when you want to think of something un-complicated, or if you're lazy and don't want to think at all. On the trip, I was doing these little journally thingies, and one time I rambled for like ten pages.

Well....I think it's nap time...or chill time....or relax time...or sit-on-the-couch-and-wait-till-you-fall-asleep-or-something-interesting-happens time. Actually, I think that whenever you're waiting for something unexpected to doesn't...cuz you're expecting's the days when you're not aware of anything that something happens, but only sometimes, because sometimes in the back of your mind, you're still expecting the unexpected, which makes it a least-likely-for-something-to-happen day. *yawning* Well, if you can figure that out, you must be a genius. I myself can't remember what I did five minutes ago. Give yourself a pat on the back. Ciao and have good days, everybody!


~ Bonnie Spinner

PS. OH!!!! Will and Chair, I found these really cool pics of when we were cute {a looong time ago}. Can I post them? I'll email them to you first, if you want.