Thursday, November 27, 2008



I mean it, y'all! I walked down the stairs this morning at eleven something and I went straight to the kitchen to discover my mom playing Christmas music and the candles lit with a great big turkey ready to be cooked sitting on the counter. Isn't it a cool feeling when you know Christmas is coming? I already have that's something to do with the air, the candles, and no school. I love it! Eep!

Coming back to's a tag for anyone who still reads my blog. {Dedicated readers, I applaud you. You should turkeys.}
List ten things/places/people/occurances/events/anything else you're thankful for! I'll go first.

1. The fact that I live in America, where we're free. Woopie.

2. The fact I go to a Christian, private school. I give thanks for the people there as well as the general environment.

3. My church. I'm thankful I still go there, and after everything that ever happened, it's still my family.

4. My family. Without them, I know I wouldn't be who I am today, and that's something I will always be thankful for.

5. My friends. If I'd put them at the top of the list, I'd probably seem clingy. jk! But I love my friends. Through my life, though it's short and only beginning, I've met so many people that mean SO much to me. I can't even put it in words. And I KNOW for a fact that without them, something would have happened and a whole chain of events would have been in Back to the Future. My friends are such a blessing, and I can honestly say I'd die for any one of them. I love y'all so much!

6. Music. There's a certain feeling of ... I don't know how to describe it besides "awesomeness"... when you realize everything you're feeling/experiencing can be expressed in words and rhythm that others can relate to and hear and sing. When music rings out and voices join in to words you can feel so gives me a shivery feeling; I don't know about you. {I guess the same can be said about words and writing.}

7. Grace. That should probably be at the top of the list. I'm thankful that we're not all drowning in a dying world, and that God loved us enough to send us His only Son to take our place and punishment.

8. Internet. ... that's probably pretty bad...but I am thankful for it! Without it, I wouldn't have met Marina, Render, Cless, Levi, and numerous others. Also, it's good for news and stuff. *laugh* The news...ha...nah, that's good for my geography project that I'm procrastinating on.

9. Food. Do you realize how BORING life would be without the flavors and varieties of food? I mean, how amazing is it when you bite into a chocolate-covered cake? Or ice cream? Or ohmygoodness a chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, a roll, and a coke? God could have designed us so that we didn't need food, but I'm SO glad He didn't!

10. My room. Or a house in general. Basically, my own space to be completely alone with my thoughts, God, and a notebook. With music always playing. And friends' faces lining the wall with the window. And a nice, comfy bed, with people's notes and signatures grafittied on the sides. And all my books. Mmm...isn't that a great thing? To have your own place to simply think?

Ok, well, I've just wasted a good percentage of your time, so go waste mine! Write your own! {jk; anything y'all say wouldn't waste my time. :D}

~ Bonnie Spinner