Thursday, June 25, 2009

Brief Update

Hey y'all, whatsup? How y'all doin? Hm...I can post pics for visual interest....... *grin* Even though the pics will have nothing whatsoever to do with what I'm saying...

{hibiscus flower in me backyard...yea}

As some of you may know, Charity is @ Nationals for gymnastics this week, so if you could just keep her in her prayers so that she and the rest of the team are safe and that they would be able to perform to the best of their abilities, that would be great. I doubt she'll read this, but it's nice to pray for her anyway.

{converse - bowling, end of the year}

Also, I just wanted to tell y'all my family is leaving for Washington DC on July 2nd and will be gone until the 20th, so that's like...3 weeks, which is pretty dang close to a month...a month in which I will not see y'all. :( So Imma miss y'all and try to get y'all some souvenirs. ;) unless I run out of money, or if I have to sacrifice your gift to man-eating bananas, if they randomly attack me. I'm sure you'd understand, right?

{el piano [betcha didn't know I spoke Spanish, eh?] in mi casa}

So, in short, for those of you who'll see me on Sunday, it'll be my last for like three weeks, so don't cry. ;P And for the rest of my blogging friends, I hope we can get together when I get back. I'll try to post pics and blogs of what's going on in DC, since I'll be taking my new cam {which all of these cool pics came from} and we'll probably be taking @ least one computer. I'll miss you guys so much! Don't do anything exciting while I'm gone!! Just kidding. Alright this post is long and pointless enough. CIAO! {and never have nababas and peanutbutter for breakfast!}

{my monkeybars. I used to sit and play up there when I was little, or if I needed to think I'd climb up there...or if I was mad and needed time by myself. Monkeybars were great, you know. But they lie! There are NO MONKEYS up there!!!}

~ Cap'n Bonnie