Monday, July 13, 2009

Washington, DC!

Well, we're in Washington DC! :) This city is BEAUTIFUL, but there is NO PARKING ANYWHERE!!! But i'm not driving so whatever. Oh well. >:( We went to a LOT of museums, but my favorites were the Newseum and the Wax museum.
{How else could you explain these?}

{Johnny Depp and Me. ... he's less piratey in person.}

{Will Smith and Me. Yeah, we're like homies now.}

{And, somehow, Michaela and Miley Cyrus got tight or something...friends for life.}

{But that was before we found out Michaela was the long-lost granddaughter of the Kennedy's...}

So, anyway, we're having an awesome time in DC. My dad is critiquing everything I write over my shoulder, so if I say something weird or ... weird ... it's his fault. Along with hairless chihuahuas and global warming. Lol. ANYWAYS!!!!! We went around DC on our own and went to Smithsonian museums and all kinds of cool stuff. Also, we went on a night tour of the DC monuments, and here are some of the few pictures that turned out semi-ok from all those experiences. ;P

{National Cathedral; I know, I know, it looks like the building Quasimodo rings the bell of...but it's not.}
{West Side of the Berlin Wall; on display in the Newseum - best museum ever-}

{The Capitol building}

{The Lincoln Memorial @ niiiightttt!}

{Library of Congress. :) Though a lot of pictures weren't allowed, and someone *cough* -Dad- didn't want me taking so many pictures...}

Tomorrow we're leaving for Hershey Pennsylvania. Hershey. As in... chocolate. *grin* mmm...this is going to be AWESOME. So, hopefully, more pics to come, unless I eat so much chocolate that i which pictures. Sorry. CIAO and have good weeks!!
~ Cap'n Bonnie