Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is a shoutout to a friend of mine who had a birthday a few days ago, on the 20th, to be exact. Shawn, if you're reading this, I hope it makes you smile. You are amazing!! If we lived closer, I'd hitch-hike a ride to your house and throw you a surprise birthday party! *hugs* You have always made me feel like I have a friend I can talk to, and I love chatting with you about everything! :) I'd give you a great big fuzzy sock if I could, but I'll guess I'll have to wait and give it to you next summer.

Happy Happy Happy belated birthday, my dear horse-riding, fun-loving, sweet-sounding friend!

{A cup of chocolate-chocolate ice cream for you and a white rose, because you make me smile like chocolate does and you always help me to see the beauty in a rose. Even if it smells like a flower. ;)}

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First attempted Christmas Poem appears Christmas this year will come with many poems, including one Render and I accidently wrote...Render will be black, and I'll be green

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, nothing was stirring, not even a mouse…..
But the cat was awake, and hungrily roaming, for something to place in his mouth that was foaming.
And the little Dog laughed to see such sport, for he alone had nothing to contort…
The humans were snoring inside of their beds, and their dreams became twisted inside of their heads...
They dreamed odd things, and of lame pleasure, like running in circles or killing things with feathers. A monkey screamed, Santa felt under attack, because of loss of balance which is something old people lack.
The war had begun, and none were the wiser; for Mr. Bill Gates had become a poor miser.
The portals were opened, and worlds were reversed; radio hosts stopped talking and mimes conversed.
Conversing Mimes? One might think that ridiculous, but as you say it, it seems quite hilarious.

A jumping turtle ran faster than light. That monkey and Santa got in a big fight.

Help came for Santa after he threatened to croak. It was too late, his heart had sadly broke.

All the good children, both good girls and good boys, sat around a Christmas tree, without nice presents or toys.

Render sat, laughing hysterically, that all these people took Santa Literally.

But Bonnie said, “Santa isn’t fake, How couldn’t you believe for heaven’s sake?”

Thanks, Render. Hope that made you laugh, smile, scratch your head, or douse yourself in vegimate and enter a kangaroo-boxing match...cuz I know tha'd make me smile.

Ciao and have a good day! ~ Bonnie