Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is a shoutout to a friend of mine who had a birthday a few days ago, on the 20th, to be exact. Shawn, if you're reading this, I hope it makes you smile. You are amazing!! If we lived closer, I'd hitch-hike a ride to your house and throw you a surprise birthday party! *hugs* You have always made me feel like I have a friend I can talk to, and I love chatting with you about everything! :) I'd give you a great big fuzzy sock if I could, but I'll guess I'll have to wait and give it to you next summer.

Happy Happy Happy belated birthday, my dear horse-riding, fun-loving, sweet-sounding friend!

{A cup of chocolate-chocolate ice cream for you and a white rose, because you make me smile like chocolate does and you always help me to see the beauty in a rose. Even if it smells like a flower. ;)}

1 comment:

Render MoonArrow said...

Happy Flappy Birth Day Shawn!!!

And may your life be full of many, many more!

May God Bless and keep you!

~The Silhouette