Saturday, February 16, 2013


I sit and music soaks through my skin, twisting my heart into a knot of pulsing emotion that I swore wasn’t there a second ago.
Suddenly there is a force engulfing me that makes me feel, and this time I can’t keep it at arms length.
It squeezes me tight and holds me there frozen and breathless, my mind going haywire as it washes over me in warm waves of melody.
It intertwines itself in my blood, flows through me like something from another world, flashes bits and pieces of memories and people past my empty eyes.
I drink in every lull and dip, every sweeping motion that I see ripple through the air as I wish I had the urge to cry, to speak, to sing, to dance, to do anything but sink through my seat.
I fall through layers of myself, breaking bits of denial and conception as it carries me down into the depths.
My heart is exploding, my bones are on fire, and I can do nothing but gaze at the beauty I feel filling me up.
My thoughts have faded to white noise in the background; they are sucked into the peripheral vision as everything turns different shades of perspective, music dancing with my soul in a graceful tango.
The music is unattainable.
I want to capture it, treasure it, release it.
I want it inside myself, driving me, pushing me forward, singing me to sleep every night and rising to a crescendo when I wake.
I want it out of me, far away up in the sky, so I can stare at it for days and days and keep it forever ahead of me.
I want it all around me, drowning out my thoughts and reason and doubt.
Filling me with the wistful promises and hopes from my dreams that it somehow saw, and captured, and now brings before my face.
Time’s frozen and life doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is the swaying of my heart, being pulled one direction then the next as I fight the urge to dream.
The music falls like a blanket over me, hushing my panicked heart and telling me to sleep and trust and sink slowly.
I’m helpless and my heart is pushing against my ribcage, clawing me on the inside, begging to get out of its prison.
It makes me hurt in places that humanity has never seen, or heard, or touched.
I wish I could bottle the feelings making rounds in my heart, whispering to the sleeping ambitions as they find them.
Never before have I drowned so sweetly.

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