Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of HIGHSCHOOL

Hey! Ok, I'm really happy-hyper right now, so warning: extreme randomness may occur. This is probably going to be a long post, so if you don't read it all and just post a comment like "Gee. Great post. Thanks for sharing." I'll know you didn't read it all, but that's ok, because it's long. *stops rambling* Let me shtart from teh begginning: {yes, I meant to spell de vords vike dat}

I had a dream last night that for some strange reason I was late for the first day of school, and I got there at the nick of time and had to get the worst seat. For some reason, when I look back and try to remember what that was, the only thing that comes to mind is a seat in the front of the class squished between two suma wrestlers....that's a little weird....

So this morning I got up and answered like three texts {I missed Marial's wake up call because my phone was on vibrate~ HA!!!!} and soon we were on the way to school. We being myself, my dad who was driving, and our carpool person. I glance at the car's time and it reads 7:56 when we pull into the school's parking lot, which means we didn't have to run. However, we were still late and I STILL got a front-ish seat! AHH! But anyway, it was good being back with my peeps. We were all excited and wouldn't shut up. It's funny, because later this week, we'll probably be like "Uhhhhh....school......." but now we're all hyper. :D

When we got there, we went to the auditorium for a brief intro or whatever then we got our books for Spanish with our homeroom teacher. OOHH!!! Our room is the senior room, so we have LOCKERS! The only downside is we don't have our combos yet so whenever we closed them we realized we need to get a teacher to go open em again. :D See, this day we didn't DO anything really except for get our books and schedules and everything like that. Ok, then we went to um um um...oh! Health and Biology! Which is with Mrs. C from last year. They're back-to-back classes in the same class room. Then we went to ... hm .... where did we go after that? I really don't want to get up to look at my schedule...

I think we had lunch next. Ok, so we're officially highschoolers now, so we can sit outside on the deck. BOOYAH! We're all excited and everything, so we get our lunch boxes and food stuffs, open the door, and step outside to be blasted back by a wave of heat. Halfway into lunch we discovered sitting under the sun in black shirts when it's 96 degrees isn't a good idea and so we used our new roaming privileges.

We visited a few of our fellow highschoolers' rooms and eventually I stuck with a senior and my friend DJ. I had pulled this little crossword puzzle thing from her purse and was working furiously to figure it out as they walked around the deck, up to the office, and back again with me in tow. Soon the bell rang and the senior left and DJ went to advanced math.

Wait...I wasn't in advanced math....I was in Geography...I blinked and stared at my schedule, then had to ask someone for help, and we both glared at the schedule. The schedule claimed that Geography was in the advanced math class room at this time...but that couldn't be right....so where was I going? Eventually we figured out that we were reading the schedule wrong and I was in the class next door. I walked in to the cries of my last name {my nickname} and laughter. :D LOL!! It was so funny. I had to explain that I had gotten lost in my own school that I've been attending for - what - seven years? No. Nine years. {why did I say seven?} To make matters worse, the class was GEOGRAPHY...where you learn about maps....which help you NOT TO GET LOST. Lol, it was hilarious. :D Anyway...

Then came Algebra 1. Now. We had taken the first half of this book last year. A nice pace for me. Half a lesson each day. I'm slow in math...that was refreshingly helpful. Now our favorite math teacher has left *sobs* {we scared her away....} and we find out we're doing the whole book! All of it! Starting at the BEGINNING! Why? Because of some smart 8th graders who are taking the class. *banging head* ARG! Why they gotta be so smart, huh? I wasn't this smart...they shouldn't be. {jk} Anyway...we did little easy lesson one {just for that I'll probably miss like 5}, which she assigned odds to. Halfway through her lecture, when we were all working ahead, my friend who came back this year whose last year was 5th grade asks me for help on question 10.

"Uh...Garbanzo bean...we're doing odds," I said, as we bursted out laughing and immediately hid our faces, trying to duck our heads behind the people in front of us. lol! Poor bean...but I had started doing all of them too...so....yeah...what came next....?

OH! English came next! And the teacher doesn't seem that bad after all. Sure, I say that now...
I found out that summer reading wasn't actually REQUIRED and I did all that work for almost nothing! I SPEND LIKE THREE DAYS OF MY VACATION ON THAT!! ARG! So...I'm not sure how it's all going to work....about the reading...but anyway...mo...

Then was Study Hall. Good ol' study hall. I think this is the period when some days we'll be taking electives...but we haven't gotten that far yet...soooooo then we all went to the pick up lines, I hitch-hiked with some goober who took me to some place where I went through lots of pain. Oh, the goober is a highschooler from school, that place was the gym, and lots of pain would be the two-thirds of a mile that we ran, which was sad because that means we're out-of-shape; we can usually run a mile.

Ok...so...that was my first day of high school and I think it went rather well. I'm so looking forward to this year! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man! Oh man! I can't wait! WOOHOO! All my friends, all the activities....I LOVE MY SCHOOL!! :D Ok, so all y'all who haven't blogged bout starting back, you should. Chair...that means you. Seriously. How was it?!! And um...oh yeah. Thanks for reading this horribly long and most likely boring post all the way through. :D

~ Captain Bonnie Spinner


Hannah Banana said...

Y'all...I just found like a billion grammar no-no's and run-on sentences. And I seem to have said "and" a lot....sorry. But I'm too lazy to fix it.

Hannah Banana said...

OH! I forgot! She also made us draw our ideas of the world's 7 continents. LOL! Mine looked like blobs, my neighbor's looked like circles randomly thrown over the paper, my other friend's looked like cookie crumbs, and somehow I think someone ended up with 8 continents...

For some reason, some people found it hard to grasp that RUSSIA was not a continent...

groovymomma said...

I'm glad you had a great day. Next time try not to get lost - ha, HA!

Leviticus Moonarrow said...

Gee. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

Render MoonArrow said...

Gee. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

Hannah Banana said...

HAHA, I KNEW some donut was going to do that...

auntwithbooks said...

Bonnie - do we need to outfit you with GPS equipment for your school? Also - the absolute HORROR! Forced to spend 3 days of a 3+ month summer vacation reading books! Such cruelty! (Unless you had to spend 3 days reading Louisa May Alcott, in which case I would agree with you.)

Hannah Banana said...

ACK! ACK! Little women! ARG! *runs in circles* Do not mention that here!

*rolls eyes* People mock me enough for that already...but thanks for your input. :D

auntwithbooks said...

What books did you read during your three days of forced labor?

Hannah Banana said...

Treasure Island. And recently God's Smuggler, which was really cool.

Render MoonArrow said...

Me be agreeing with Aunt with books!

The Inhumane act of torture!


Dat not a terrible book!

Me no agree anymore!

Marina said...

Treasure Island is a good book!
Oh! And Kidnapped!

Sam Wick said...

That sounds fun! My week was ok. I'll post after I've attended all my classes. Maybe...B)

Sam Wick said...


Anonymous said...

People on?

Marina said...

That was me!

Hannah Banana said...

Kidnapped? *thinks* Is that the one with that boy in that tower with that old dude?...or something?

No. *sighs* I keep missing you, Marissa!! ARG! I'm sorry. I've been kinda busy lately. I miss talking to you.

Marina said...

Kinda, in the begining. You should read it.

I miss talking to you too. I've been trying to get on only after school hours but.. you still aren't there.

Marina said...

Well, now it's school hours... so that was dumb. But I have.

Hannah Banana said...


Hannah Banana said...

Are ye still here?

I'm off for Labor Day. {YEA!}

Come backkkkkk.

I'm sorry. After school, I have vb practice till like 6, then I get home and shower and eat and do homework, and by then you're usually not on. *sniffles*

AJ said...

:P I was going to post that "Gee. Great post. Thanks for sharing." but I knew someone else would and I didn't want to take their fun away, so I let it slide.
That's awesome -really did read your entire post-

Render MoonArrow said...

Hm....... Nice Profile pic..... Sorta....

Render MoonArrow said...

Cant see much Logic in that General area...

Rae B said...

..... I read the first paragraph and a bit... but all I really wanted to do is say hi!

On weRT's blog.. it said this'll be Ivy... ish this true?


Hannah Banana said...

*grins* Yes.

My prefered name is Bonnie, but on dk and cp Bonnie had already been taken so I settled for Ivy.

Glad you found me! Can I visit your blog? *inches toward it*

Leviticus Moonarrow said...

come?????? back?????? *in misteryas

Render MoonArrow said...

Yo should post a picture!

YEP! post a pic with a Comment on it!

Hannah Banana said...

*blinks* A picture? A picture of what?

Render MoonArrow said...


Post a Picture!

Of Whatever yo want!

Hannah Banana said...

Uh...I don't take many good pictures...well...yeah, I try but I fail a lot...

Render MoonArrow said...

Ok then well....

Do yo have a picture of a nice flower yo can post?